proclaim the gospel to the whole creation

 Local partners

Mission Arlington

Mission Arlington®, under the umbrella of Mission Metroplex®, continues to be surrounded by a wonderful family of supporters. Individuals, families, civic organizations, schools, churches, and businesses all join together to help Mission Arlington® / Mission Metroplex® fulfill its mission of serving God and loving His people.


Eastside Community Church, Ft. Worth, TX

God has given Pastor Brent Butler a vision and a mission to fight against hopelessness in his neighborhood. Eastside Community Church will be a “Force of Hope” that invades the heart of the community with the love of God in practical ways, with the purpose of demolishing hopelessness.

National partners

Student Mobilization

Stumo helps develop, teach, and disciple students on college campuses to help make Christian Leaders in our society. Stumo currently serves over 25 campuses throughout the US.

Int’l partners

Israel Today Ministries

Dr. Jeff believes Israel Today Ministries exists to fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) in practical and profound ways through humanitarian relief and teaching Scripture. He is a pastor, humanitarian, educator, and author. His books/articles address the Jewish roots of Christianity, biblical prophecy, theology, and adventure.


International Commission

TDP Actively supports IC financially and also serves on multiple mission trips on a yearly basis worldwide.


Humanitarian Efforts in the Middle East

TDP helps assist with the spread of the Gospel in the Middle East by providing much needed supplies such as food, water, and Bibles to those spreading the Gospel.